Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Brennan loves preschool!  He’s started attending Wee Care Preschool in Fremont on August 27th and will go on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.  It’s an excellent program and was highly recommended by many of Mommy’s co-workers that have sent/currently send their children there, too.  It’s a full day program, unlike many of the programs in Sandusky, so we don’t have to worry about getting him to/from school mid-day. 

We talked about preschool over the summer, including reading several books.  Brennan was very excited about going and frequently asked what day it was, presumably asking if it was time to go to school.  He enjoyed playing at orientation the night before school started.  Brennan was very excited on his first day of school and transitioned very well (better than Mommy!).   He must have had a great time because he talked about school until he fell asleep on the drive home!  He’s had a lot of fun each day and the teachers say he’s doing a great job during the day!

When asked what he wants to be when he grows up, Brennan enthusiastically responded, "A giant!"

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