Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Allergist and 1 Year Appointment

Daddy and Gavin traveled to Akron for Gavin’s appointment with the Pediatric Allergist.  He explained that Gavin’s persistent eczema may very likely be due to an allergy.  He ordered blood work to test for food allergies, environmental allergies, and vitamin D deficiency.  The doctor also recommended using CeraVe lotion rather than Eucerin, which has lanolin, another common trigger.  Daddy took Gavin to get his blood drawn a few days later.  They had a difficult time getting a good vein, but were able to get 2 vials of blood.  We’re hoping to hear the results soon.

Daddy also took Gavin for his one year well baby appointment.  Current stats:
Height: 29.5 inches (50th percentile)
Weight: 20lbs 7oz (25th percentile)
Head Circumference: 46cm

He’s healthy and happy!  The doctor said his small weight gain may be due to a food allergy and wasn’t concerned about his growth.  He’s also pretty active and is learning to eat more table foods, so he may be eating less.  Per usual, the doctor commented that his ears “look perfect!”  He received two vaccinations.  We wanted to take it easy on the little fella since he had his blood drawn the day before this appointment, so he didn’t get all of the possible vaccinations he could at this appointment.

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