Our sweet Gavin is 13 months old!
~Gavin enjoys eating table food! Some of his favorites include spaghetti, pizza, chicken nuggets, grilled cheese, peas, carrots, pears, oranges, crackers, and desserts! He also enjoys drinking milk!
~After not hearing back from the allergist, we contacted him. He had not received all of the blood work results yet, even though we completed the blood work nearly 3 weeks earlier. Results he had received showed reactivity to egg whites, peanuts and garlic. He suggested eliminating these foods 100%. We're anxious to hear back from him with more results and details. His skin has been looking much, much better, but he still has occasional flair ups.
~He's made huge gains in walking! He is able to stand independently and has taken several consecutive, independent steps! We've seen him take up to 6 steps on his own! He can go quite far if holding our hand(s). He prefers crawling, but is becoming much more confident in walking!
~In addition to signing "more", he's also signing "all done" by waving his hands in the air above his head!
~While he has fun at the babysitter's house, he's always excited to see Mommy and Daddy when we return from work. He waves his arms in excitement when Daddy arrives to pick him up. When Mommy comes home, he immediately crawls to her, pulls himself up on her legs to be picked up and snuggles for a few minutes.
~He's a very good sleeper! He puts himself to sleep easily, usually quickly playing in his bed for a few minutes before heading to dreamland. He woke up a few times overnight closer to his 1 year birthday. After learning about his minimal weight gain, softy-Mommy went into his room for a quick nursing session. Since then, he's slept through the night without issue! He's starting to occasionally skip his morning nap.
~He makes several funny noises, including clicking his tongue, "th", "shh", quick breaths through puckered lips, and elephant noises!
~He enjoys looking at books for short periods of time. He likes pointing to pictures in books and consistently identifies babies and dogs. When he sees a book he wants/looks at a book, he'll repeatedly say a throated "k" sound.
~Gavin loves to take baths! As soon as he hears the water running, he'll drop what he's doing, quickly crawl to the bathroom, and bang on the door/attempt to reach the doorknob of the closed door. He's also been known to try to crawl into the tub while we're undressing him! He enjoys playing and splashing in the water!
~We're seeing some glimpses of drama in our regularly very calm and happy baby. When frustrated and tired, he'll briefly lay his head on the ground and whine. Is this the beginning of temper tantrums?!
~Gavin enjoys picking up toys! He'll pick them up, put the in their container, move the toys around with his hand, take them out, repeat. He also regularly empties the tupperwear drawer.
~He likes to show us things that he's holding, as if he's saying, "Look at what I have!"
~He enjoys throwing balls!
~Gavin continues to be a climber! In addition to climbing on the trampoline and Brennan's bed, he also climbs on toy containers and our mini-slide ladder. He's also climbed on a stool, then climbed onto the couch.
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