One of Brennan's new favorite words is "Up!" He says it quite a bit--when standing at your legs, when wanting to get taken out of his crib, when walking around a room, and, sometimes, when you're already holding him. He says it very clearly! Sometimes he emphasizes the /p/, making a 'raspberry' noise.
In other language news, he can:
-Tell you the sound a snake makes (We need to work on more cute and cuddly animals!)
-Blow kisses when asked
-Identify his feet
-Go to the appropriate location when asked...most of the time (kitchen, Brennan's room, Mommy and Daddy's room, basement, chair (highchair), and bathroom)
-Repeat "Please", sounding more like "Blease"
-Repeat "Mama", occasionally walking around stating "My-ma-ma!"
Monday, March 28, 2011
Back to the Pediatrician, Part 2
We ventured back to the pediatrician last Friday morning, just a few days after going to check his ears. He was absolutely miserable-crying, unhappy, only wanting to be held, and after having a fever on Thursday evening, we knew something was up. While his ears didn't look better, they didn't look worse. We were given a new antibiotic. It was explained that this antibiotic has done the trick for other children in a similar situation as Brennan; several ear infections and on the verge of a referral to an ENT. We discussed the possibility of breathing treatments for his wheezing and coughing, but decided to see if it cleared up in a few days. Luckily, the antibiotics appeared to kick in on Sunday afternoon as our happy and energetic little man returned! He's still coughing a bit, but it's getting better. After several heart wrenching days of seeing him so uncomfortable, it was a relief to have him back to "normal"! He's still a bit clingy. I don't think the 3 molars about to cut are helping! We go back mid-April to check his ears.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Back to the Pediatrician
We made an appointment with Brennan's pediatrician this afternoon. While the appointment was a bit frustrating, we ended up with some promising results.
He has another ear infection in his left ear. We anticipated a right ear infection, but also spotted a molar today just under his gums on the right side, which may have lead to some ear tugging. He was prescribed antibiotics again. The doctor was not interested in tubes, hoping that he would make it through the rest of flu season without needing them. We go back in a few weeks to check for residual fluid. She was pleased with his language skills, indicating that the ear infections are not impacting his hearing.
We also discussed his most recent reaction to dairy. Brennan continues to drink breastmilk and since Mommy isn't on a restricted diet, it "doesn't make sense scientifically" that Brennan could be allergic to dairy. Mommy likes her fair share of dairy (milk, cheese, and ice cream, yumm!) She suggested that we start trying different types of dairy, including milk and cheese. Even if he has a reaction, she said we could try to give it to him for a few days to see if he had the same reaction. Anxiously, we gave him an ounce of milk at dinner. He enjoyed it reaction! We'll continue to try small amounts of milk at dinner and see how he does. While we were frustrated that she didn't recommend further testing for allergies, we're excited that he was able to drink (albeit a small amount) of milk without hives, swelling, and itching!
Current stats:
25lb 12oz, clothed.
He has another ear infection in his left ear. We anticipated a right ear infection, but also spotted a molar today just under his gums on the right side, which may have lead to some ear tugging. He was prescribed antibiotics again. The doctor was not interested in tubes, hoping that he would make it through the rest of flu season without needing them. We go back in a few weeks to check for residual fluid. She was pleased with his language skills, indicating that the ear infections are not impacting his hearing.
We also discussed his most recent reaction to dairy. Brennan continues to drink breastmilk and since Mommy isn't on a restricted diet, it "doesn't make sense scientifically" that Brennan could be allergic to dairy. Mommy likes her fair share of dairy (milk, cheese, and ice cream, yumm!) She suggested that we start trying different types of dairy, including milk and cheese. Even if he has a reaction, she said we could try to give it to him for a few days to see if he had the same reaction. Anxiously, we gave him an ounce of milk at dinner. He enjoyed it reaction! We'll continue to try small amounts of milk at dinner and see how he does. While we were frustrated that she didn't recommend further testing for allergies, we're excited that he was able to drink (albeit a small amount) of milk without hives, swelling, and itching!
Current stats:
25lb 12oz, clothed.
14 Months!
Happy 14 month birthday, Brennan!
~Brennan is a full-time walker. It's very, very rare for him to crawl and he's able to travel quickly!
~He continues to talk a lot, too! He imitates many of the words we say, which is adorable! Our current favorite continues to be "Hot" (Haaawwww-T). One word he doesn't imitate is "Mama" despite being able to say the sounds through babbles. When asked to say "Mama", he'll frequently replied with "Dada" and a giggle. Stinker.
~He continues to sign "more" and "all done" on a regular basis, still also using "more" as "want." At times, he'll see a toy/object that he wants that is out of reach. He'll sign "more" or approach us and sign "more" and point to the object.
~Brennan's love for books continues. He'll regularly bring us a book and crawl onto our lap. By crawl, I mean nearly dive head first into our laps!
~Living in a ranch, Brennan doesn't see us travel up and down stairs often. The babysitter also lives in a ranch, so he doesn't observe stairs there, either. We'll take him to the basement when we're doing laundry. When putting him at the base of the stairs, he becomes scared and will turn around and tightly hang onto Mommy/Daddy's legs. It doesn't help that our basement steps are narrow, steep, and dark! Mommy's PT friend suggested providing more opportunities for him to see us travel up and down stairs and putting objects of interest a few stairs up. She wasn't concerned about him not tackling stairs yet. We've seen him climb a stair at his Aunt and Uncle's house without hesitation, so we know he can do it!
~Bring on the food! Brennan loves to eat! Current favorites include: Grapes, Crasins, Dried blueberries, Bananas, Pears, Peas, Spaghetti, Sloppy-Joe's, Carrots, Crackers, and Multi-Grain Cheerios. He's not a huge fan of Avocados, Broccoli, or Lima beans.
~Brennan has cut one top molar. Poor little guy's gums are quite swollen and we're anticipating the arrival of more teeth soon.
~His sleeping habits have become "like clockwork" for the babysitter during the week: 45 minutes in the morning, 2-2.5 hours in the afternoon. Weekends are more difficult with errands, traveling, etc. but he followed his "clockwork" schedule yesterday! He goes to bed at 6:45-7:00pm and wakes up around 6:45am.
~He likes to show affection to kids, especially younger children. A 2 month old baby started at the babysitter's last week. She was there when we arrived in the mornings, sleeping in her car seat in the front room. Upon arriving, Brennan immediately looked for her, pointing to her and wanting to see her. The babysitter explained that he will occasionally approach her and lay his head next to her, as if he's snuggling with her. He also attempted to give some friends hugs and kisses during recent play dates.
~Brennan can point to his nose and is able to blow kisses--so cute!
~Brennan is a full-time walker. It's very, very rare for him to crawl and he's able to travel quickly!
~He continues to talk a lot, too! He imitates many of the words we say, which is adorable! Our current favorite continues to be "Hot" (Haaawwww-T). One word he doesn't imitate is "Mama" despite being able to say the sounds through babbles. When asked to say "Mama", he'll frequently replied with "Dada" and a giggle. Stinker.
~He continues to sign "more" and "all done" on a regular basis, still also using "more" as "want." At times, he'll see a toy/object that he wants that is out of reach. He'll sign "more" or approach us and sign "more" and point to the object.
~Brennan's love for books continues. He'll regularly bring us a book and crawl onto our lap. By crawl, I mean nearly dive head first into our laps!
~Living in a ranch, Brennan doesn't see us travel up and down stairs often. The babysitter also lives in a ranch, so he doesn't observe stairs there, either. We'll take him to the basement when we're doing laundry. When putting him at the base of the stairs, he becomes scared and will turn around and tightly hang onto Mommy/Daddy's legs. It doesn't help that our basement steps are narrow, steep, and dark! Mommy's PT friend suggested providing more opportunities for him to see us travel up and down stairs and putting objects of interest a few stairs up. She wasn't concerned about him not tackling stairs yet. We've seen him climb a stair at his Aunt and Uncle's house without hesitation, so we know he can do it!
~Bring on the food! Brennan loves to eat! Current favorites include: Grapes, Crasins, Dried blueberries, Bananas, Pears, Peas, Spaghetti, Sloppy-Joe's, Carrots, Crackers, and Multi-Grain Cheerios. He's not a huge fan of Avocados, Broccoli, or Lima beans.
~Brennan has cut one top molar. Poor little guy's gums are quite swollen and we're anticipating the arrival of more teeth soon.
~His sleeping habits have become "like clockwork" for the babysitter during the week: 45 minutes in the morning, 2-2.5 hours in the afternoon. Weekends are more difficult with errands, traveling, etc. but he followed his "clockwork" schedule yesterday! He goes to bed at 6:45-7:00pm and wakes up around 6:45am.
~He likes to show affection to kids, especially younger children. A 2 month old baby started at the babysitter's last week. She was there when we arrived in the mornings, sleeping in her car seat in the front room. Upon arriving, Brennan immediately looked for her, pointing to her and wanting to see her. The babysitter explained that he will occasionally approach her and lay his head next to her, as if he's snuggling with her. He also attempted to give some friends hugs and kisses during recent play dates.
~Brennan can point to his nose and is able to blow kisses--so cute!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Today was Dairy-Day. As recommended by the pediatrician, Brennan has not had dairy due to his previous reaction. The ped recommended waiting until 14 months and starting again with yogurt. We decided to give it to him at lunch, giving us enough time before a nap to watch for any possible reactions.
He ate the first few bites without any problem and ate it in between bites of other food. Then, he started turning his head and trying to push the spoon away. Shortly after that, he began itching the back of his neck. Sure enough, it was red and covered with white bumps, which we're assuming are hives. His eyes watered/teared a bit, which we've noticed happening occasionally and wondered if he has seasonal allergies. We made it through about a quarter of the baby-sized yogurt before stopping and we applied some cream to help with the itch. He continued itching for 20-25 minutes.
We're planning to call the pediatrician to ask for recommendations of next steps. We'd also like them to check his ears again. My best friend, who is an Audiologist, checked them over the weekend, noting that they didn't look bad, but didn't look "shiny". After waking up with a yucky nose this morning, it wouldn't hurt to look again.
Positive: Didn't seem to have as severe of a reaction (Last reaction: Swollen, itchy eyes and hives on his wrists) and it went away relatively quickly.
Negative: Had a reaction.
Poor guy, yucky nose, painful molars, and a dairy reaction!
He ate the first few bites without any problem and ate it in between bites of other food. Then, he started turning his head and trying to push the spoon away. Shortly after that, he began itching the back of his neck. Sure enough, it was red and covered with white bumps, which we're assuming are hives. His eyes watered/teared a bit, which we've noticed happening occasionally and wondered if he has seasonal allergies. We made it through about a quarter of the baby-sized yogurt before stopping and we applied some cream to help with the itch. He continued itching for 20-25 minutes.
We're planning to call the pediatrician to ask for recommendations of next steps. We'd also like them to check his ears again. My best friend, who is an Audiologist, checked them over the weekend, noting that they didn't look bad, but didn't look "shiny". After waking up with a yucky nose this morning, it wouldn't hurt to look again.
Positive: Didn't seem to have as severe of a reaction (Last reaction: Swollen, itchy eyes and hives on his wrists) and it went away relatively quickly.
Negative: Had a reaction.
Poor guy, yucky nose, painful molars, and a dairy reaction!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Love to Label
Brennan's receptive vocabulary continues to flourish. He frequently points to objects, in his environment or in books, stating "Dat?" He's also able to recognize several objects, either in books or around him, and will point to and/or retrieve them when asked. Some examples include: Moon, Ball, Elmo, Cat, Dog, Blocks, Door, Farm, Truck, Remote, and Toothbrush.
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