We've started to work on Brennan's sleeping habits. So far, everything is working out pretty well! He continues to sleep in the bassinet in our bedroom overnight. During the past two days, I've been putting him in his room for naps during the day. Yesterday, I moved his bassinet into the nursery, since he is most familiar with sleeping in it, and had music playing. He slept well, although he stirred occasionally. I noticed that he fussed most when there wasn't music playing for short periods of time--and by short periods of time, I mean the quick transitions between songs! He would calm himself down after a few seconds and return to dreamland. He used the sleep contour pad, and like during the night, he wiggles his way down and his head ends up where his ribs should be! Luckily, his head is always forward, so I don't worry too much about him pressing his face against the foam pads. After wiggling, his long body is squished at the bottom of the bassinet, which frustrates him sometimes. Today, he was up most of the morning, and has been sleeping in his crib during a good portion of the afternoon! The music is playing again, and there's less fussing between songs. I'm trying to decide if it's because he likes it, or because he's so tuckered out from being up so long this morning. He's also wiggling less, despite the extra room! It was so cute, I decided to be brave and take pictures! He slept through the flash! Next steps are to tackle sleeping in the pack n' play, sleeping in the crib, etc. without constant music, and sleeping in the nursery overnight.
We're also working on giving him a bedtime. We put him in the bassinet between 9:00-9:30pm and hope to move it earlier. This means more overnight feedings, but it will help him get used to a bedtime. We don't have a bedtime routine set yet, besides putting him down after he falls asleep in our arms.
Brennan has relatively predictable awake times throughout the day. His morning awake time has started to last longer and longer. He also wakes up when he hears Daddy's voice when he comes home from work. His evening awake time varies, usually depending on how often he wants to eat.
Our sleeping angel

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