Sunday, February 21, 2010

One Month Old!

It's hard to believe that Brennan is one month old already! He's learning new things every day! His current favorite activities include listening to songs, looking outside, looking at his surroundings, "talking", and listening to stories. We joke that our wedding photo guest book is "his picture." It hangs above our couch and, when it's in sight, Brennan is enamored with it!

We've had relative success with the Zantac. His symptoms have decreased and he appears to be much more comfortable. We typically have one difficult feeding each day, ranging from minimal fussing to full out screaming. We're assuming it's out of discomfort--during one feeding he was content with his pacifer, but when in the same position and eating, he would scream almost immediately. We're hoping this improves with time. He receives the medicine twice a day and is doing better about keeping it in his stomach. We were warned that it tastes awful, and by the look on his face each time he gets it, we believe it! We'll try to get a picture!

My One Month Birthday!

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