Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Summer Time!

Brennan, Gavin and Abigail had another great school year!  We're excited for a fun summer!

Brennan had a great 2nd grade year!  He will be attending an intermediate school for 3rd through 5th grade. It's hard to believe he is done with elementary school in our district.  He will be participating in a gifted math class next year.  We met his new math teacher and are looking forward to this opportunity!


Gavin had a wonderful last year of preschool!  With his late summer birthday and continued daily naps, we opted for a 3rd year of preschool for him.  He is very excited about going to kindergarten next year.  His academic skills are awesome and he has a great foundation for elementary school!

Abigail absolutely loved her first year of preschool.  She will be attending in the 4 year old class at the same preschool next year. She learned so much this year!

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