Saturday, June 30, 2018

Happy 4th Birthday Abby!

Our sweet Abigail is 4!  We celebrated her birthday at home with family and friends with a Shimmer and Shine themed party.  Abby was very excited about her birthday and turning 4!

~Abby is a smiley, giggly girl!  She has the best belly laugh and her smile can light up a room.
~She had a great year at preschool! She made new friends and learned a lot!
~Abby is quite a "girly girl".  She enjoys singing, dancing, pretending do hair and make up, and can be a bit particular about her clothes. She also likes to play house and enjoys being the "Mommy" while Natalie is the "sister"

Current Stats:
Height: 3' 3.5" (43rd percentile)
Weight: 36.6 lb (60th percentile)

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