Thursday, January 8, 2015

Help Me Grow Update

Gavin continues to participate in Help Me Grow.  An Early Intervention Specialist comes to our house for about an hour every other week.  She typically just plays with him.  He is usually pretty quiet around her, but eventually warms up.  During her last visit, she brought the Speech Therapist along.

Gavin has made great improvement in his language skills!  He has many, many more words and uses some phrases.  Some common phrases include "Mommy/Daddy, ______ please!" and "Bye bye _____!"  He is also counting to 13, labeling numbers 1-10, labeling many letters, and labeling several shapes!

Now that he is speaking more, we've noticed that he is omitting many initial sounds.  The Speech Therapist also observed this and gave us some suggestions to help him.  She was pleased with the number of words he is using, though!

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