Monday, January 19, 2015

6 Month Check Up

Abigail had her 6 month check up today!  The pediatrician explained that she was healthy and looks great.  After receiving many smiles and giggles, he "diagnosed" her with "Excessive Happiness!"

I asked the doctor if we should be concerned about her lack of interest in rolling.  She has rolled from back to belly a few times, but does not seem interested in this milestone.  He explained that it wasn't a concern as she's able to sit well and shows interest in her environment.  He went to explain that she has built in entertainment (2 brothers) without needing to roll and larger babies frequently don't roll often. 

Following her check up, Abby received 5 vaccines (1 oral, 4 pokes), including her first dose of the flu vaccine.  She wasn't pleased, but after a few snuggles from Mommy, she calmed down quickly and began flashing her smiles yet again.

Current stats:
19lbs 14oz (93rd percentile)
28" (97th percentile)

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