Monday, May 20, 2013

9 Months Old!

Our sweet Gavin is 9 months old!

~Gavin is officially mobile!  Once he realized the perks of mobility, he took off.  He transitioned from sitting to his belly more gracefully and intentionally.  Then, he learned to move from his belly to sitting. Within a few days, he was crawling!  Just a handful of days later, he was able to crawl further distances and with more fluidity.  He's most interested in going after things he shouldn't have, including Brennan's small toys and electrical cords.  He's very proud of himself!
~He's showing interest in pulling himself up on objects, especially Mommy and Daddy.
~He loves to eat!  He eats a combination of store bought and homemade purred food.  We've introduced Cheerios a few times, but he doesn't completely mash them before attempting to swallow.  We'll try again soon! 
~Gavin has 5 teeth--3 lower and 2 upper.  Based on gnawing and drool, another isn't far behind.
~He enjoys babbling.  Some new sounds including ga and ma!
~Gavin loves to bounce!  He bounces in your arms, on the floor, on his bed, etc.  He also enjoys sitting on the mini-trampoline and bouncing!
~He enjoys giving wet, open mouth kisses...and we love getting them!
~Gavin is quite an easy going young man!  He typically goes with the flow with wherever we are and whatever we're doing!
~He's inconsistent about sleeping through the night, sometimes getting up once.  The easiest way to get him back to sleep is a diaper change and nursing.  We suspect teeth and itchy skin are the culprits.  He also has difficulty going from belly to back, leaving him "stuck" if he doesn't want to sleep on his stomach.
~Gavin's skin quickly fluctuates from broken out to clear.  We haven't been able to pinpoint why, but hope we can find the answer and solution soon.

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