Friday, May 24, 2013

9 Month Appointment

Gavin had his 9 month well baby appointment today.  Current stats:

19lbs 1/2 oz
44 cm head circ

He's happy and healthy!  The doctor was pleased with his milestones.

Just in time for his appointment, Gavin's rash around his face broke out again.  It looked wonderful just a few days earlier!  We reviewed our current and previous treatments.  She recommended applying the Desonide steroid treatment again for 5-7 days.  We haven't been using the cream since weaning him off after the dermatologist suspected that his skin became "addicted" to it.  She also prescribed an antibiotic cream, also to be used for 7 days, in case it was becoming infected.  We're also continuing with frequent Vaseline applications to serve as a barrier against wetness from teething.  If this regimen doesn't work, we'll go back to the dermatologist.   His little thumbs are also becoming red from chewing on them while teething, so we're also applying Vaseline to them while he sleeps.  Adam and I are beginning to suspect that his skin may be more chapped than an eczema rash, or maybe a combination.

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