Sunday, April 14, 2013

We call him Gavin.

Brennan seems to be more accepting of his baby brother.  He didn't pay him a lot of attention in the past.  Now, he'll bring him toys, want to know where he is, let us know when he's awake, give unprompted hugs, etc.  Gavin enjoys watching Brennan play.  It's neat to watch them interact and I look forward to seeing their friendship grow!

The babysitter recently told me a humorous story.  A school-aged girl was at the sitter's house over spring break. Pointing to Gavin, she asked Brennan if he was his baby brother.  Brennan, in a very matter of fact tone of voice replied, "Yes.  We call him Gavin."  Brennan, hearing the babysitter tell this story chimed in, "I call him Gabin, but his name is Gavin."  Apparently our correcting of his pronunciation is working.

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