Saturday, April 20, 2013

8 Months Old!

Our amazing Gavin is 8 months old!

~Growing Gavin: Gavin loves to eat!  We've yet to find a food that he doesn't like as we continue to introduce new fruits and vegetables.  After experimenting with eliminating and reintroducing cereal for a few weeks, we didn't notice a significant difference in his skin, so we're continuing to give him oatmeal and rice cereal.  He's becoming very proficient at feeding himself puffs.
~Grinning Gavin: Gavin has 4 teeth!  Three lower teeth and 1 upper tooth.  Based on his gnawing on toys, we suspect another tooth is en route.
~Gabby Gavin: He's becoming quite a talker!  His newest favorite sounds include "baaaabaaa" and "A-bwah, A-bwah!"
~Grabby Gavin: If it's within reach, he wants it!
~Giggling Gavin: He has such a sweet giggle, and his smile lights up his entire face!
~Gavin is creeping his way towards mobility!  He moves himself around in a circle when sitting on or his stomach.  He's also able to go from sitting to on his stomach, although sometimes unintentionally.  While on his stomach, he pushes himself to his knees, but isn't bending his legs yet to get into crawling position.
~He's still waking up once overnight, although not consistently.  He goes back to sleep easily after a diaper change and nursing.  He may be able to put himself to sleep independently, but these steps seem to get everyone back to sleep quickly/keep others asleep!  He naps twice a day, 9am and 1pm.
~He loves to splash in the bathtub!  We bathe both boys at the same time and they frequently have splash parties!

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