To prepare for my return to work, I took Brennan to the babysitter's house this afternoon for a "trial run." Brennan, of course, did perfectly fine, but I needed some practice with leaving him! I also wanted to take all of his belongings--burp clothes, bibs, extra clothes, diapers, wipes, etc. Overall, I did better than I expected. There were tears, but I could keep composed as long as I stayed busy. First, I walked around the mall and Old Navy. Of course, the mall was full of cute babies, and I found myself in the infant section at Old Navy. Then, I returned home to a too-quiet house to work on laundry and cleaning. Once Adam returned home from work, we immediately went to pick him up. Tracy, the babysitter, said he did wonderfully! Brennan was very talkative and smiley all night. Maybe he was happy to be home with Mommy and Daddy...maybe he was telling us about his afternoon...or perhaps a combination? I'm glad we did the trial run! He did great, I did well, and I realized the importance of staying busy and waterproof mascara.
Brennan has found his fists! Initially, it was coincidence that they made their way into his mouth, but it's becoming more and more intentional. I could even hear him sucking away on them over the monitor this morning!
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