Thursday, March 18, 2010

8 weeks!

Today marks Brennan's 8 week birthday! It's amazing how fast time has flown by! Each week, we attempt to "celebrate" his birthday at 6:43pm. Each week, we miss it! Drat.

Brennan continues to be an absolute joy! He's smiling and chatting more and more every day. He enjoys having coo-ing conversations and, at times, will attempt to repeat the coos that we make. He continues to be a big fan of eating and is growing out of many outfits. According to a friend's scale, he's about 14 lbs! We'll have more specific stats after his two month doctor's appointment next week.

You'll notice an abundance of smile pictures in this month's photo album. We're a bit obsessed with his smiles! They are contagious and adorable!

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