Sunday, January 21, 2018

Happy 8th Birthday, Brennan!

Happy 8th Birthday, Brennan!

8?! How did this happen?  We are so proud of this young man!  Brennan has a wonderful, silly, caring personality.  He loves to make people laugh.  He's an inquisitive guy, always wanting to learn more.  Brennan is excelling at school and is the process of being further evaluated for gifted services.  He enjoyed playing on a soccer team earlier this year and is looking forward to another season.  Brennan recently joined Cub Scouts and is excited about participating in upcoming events.  

We celebrated Brennan's birthday with a Pokemon themed party at a local pizzeria with friends and family.  Unfortunately, he woke up with a fever on his birthday, but insisted we continue with his party as planned. He had a great time celebrating his special day!

An interview with Brennan:
Favorite subject at school: Reading
Favorite special class at school: Gym
Favorite sport: Football
Favorite game: Pie face
Favorite book: Captain Underpants
Favorite toy: Legos
Favorite Cedar Point ride: Corkscrew
Favorite color: Black
Favorite joke: Knock knock jokes
Favorite song: Believer by Kidzbop
Favorite food: Hamburgers
Favorite things to do: Collect Pokemon cards, Play outside, Watch sports, Read, Draw, Play Video games, and Assemble Legos
What I want to be when I grow up: Football player or Police Officer

We love you, Brennan!

Current Stats:
Height: 4ft 5 inches (85th percentile)
Weight: 67 lbs (82nd percentile)

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