Saturday, January 21, 2017

7 Years Old!

Happy 7th Birthday, Brennan!!

Our sweet Brennan is 7 years old!  He's growing up so quickly!

~Brennan LOVES school.  When asked about his day at school, his answer is consistently an enthusiastic "Great!"  He's doing a fantastic job and is making great academic progress.  He is participating in a gifted math program, a weekly enrichment opportunity.  His teacher explains that he is doing wonderfully in the curriculum and within this enrichment.  She anticipates that he'll be involved in additional gifted/enrichment programs as they become available in later grades.
~Brennan also LOVES Legos!  It's impressive to watch him build sets as he's easily able to assemble the steps with ease.  He also enjoys playing with mini-figure characters.
~Brennan has such a sweet and thoughtful heart.  He also has a wonderful silly side and a great smile and laugh.  Brennan is often inquisitive and loves to learn. 

Interview with Brennan:
Favorite school subject: Silent reading
Favorite school special: Gym
Favorite food: Chocolate
Favorite toy: Legos
Favorite movie: Lego Batman Gotham City Breakout
Favorite color: Green and black
Favorite book: Lego Ninjago
Favorite game: Hangman and Candy Land

Official Stats:
Height: 4 ft 2 1/2 in
Weight: 58.8lb

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