Wednesday, November 9, 2016

6 Months Old!

Happy Half Birthday, Natalie!

~Natalie is on the move!  She loves to roll and is very quick at army crawling!  She's starting to use her legs more while army crawling, so we anticipate she'll be moving on all 4's very soon!  She also lifts herself onto her hands and knees and scoots.
~She's very close to sitting independently!  She's still a little wobbly, likely because she's off balance as she's trying to put things in her mouth!
~No new teeth yet, but we anticipate they might be soon based on her mouthing of objects!
~She's a great napper at the sitter's house.  We're still working on consistent naps at home.  She loves snuggling and tends to wake up as soon as she's laid in her bed.  She'll usually zonk out in her swing.
~She's done well with over night sleeping!  She eats and goes to sleep right after her siblings are put to bed. She has woken up one time most nights for a diaper change and to nurse.  Sometimes she'll sleep through the night!
~We started to introduce cereal and a few vegetables.  She'll open her mouth for bites and finds it hilarious to blow raspberries and/or tongue the food out.  Chilled food leads to funny faces.  She's very interested in getting her hands on the food that everyone else is eating!
~Natalie is quite the talker!  She often "tells stories" and is repeating different sounds (e.g. "A-da, A-da, A-da).

Current Stats:
17lbs 11oz

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