Friday, September 9, 2016

4 Months Old!

Miss Natalie is 4 months old!

~Natalie has the sweetest giggles and smiles!  She loves to laugh when being tickled or when we make silly noises.  Natalie also giggles when we help her clap her hands and stomp her feet.  And she'll smile at just about everything and everyone!
~Natalie has so much so say!  She loves to "chat" and have conversations!
~She loves to roll!  We can barely keep her on her back anymore when we lay her down.  She enjoys looking around the room!  She can roll from her belly to her back, but definitely prefers her belly. 
~While on her belly, she's able to turn herself left and right - wherever the action is!  She's also lifting her bottom and kicking her legs in attempt to scoot!  She wants to be on the go!
~She likes to kick her legs when she's excited!  She also likes to kick when she's sitting in a bouncer seat, making it bounce up and down!
~Natalie is doing a great job sleeping! She slept through the night almost every night this month, but started to wake up once to eat near the 4 month mark.  After a quick diaper change and snack, she goes back to sleep.  We're working on more consistent naps and a sleep schedule during the day.  She likes to be in the action and we suspect she fears she may miss something when she's napping!
~She enjoys watching and grabbing at her toys.  She also thinks her hands and feet are interesting--and tasty!

Natalie had her 4 month check up today.  The doctor was impressed with her strength (commenting that she'll be standing soon!) and super happy demeanor.  She wasn't a fan of her vaccines (3 pokes, 1 oral), but settled down with some snuggles.

Current stats:
15 lb 5 oz
25.5 inches

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