Thursday, May 12, 2016

Natalie's Birth Story

Every birth has a story.  Here's Natalie's!

After being induced with Brennan, Gavin and Abigail, we predicted throughout this pregnancy that it would also end with induction.  As we neared closer to her due date, it was discussed again, especially since Natalie wasn't always head down and enjoyed dancing around in Mommy's belly.  At her 39 week OB check on May 6, Mommy was instructed to keep Natalie's head down over the weekend, eat a light breakfast in the morning and show up at the hospital at 6:00am on Monday, May 9.

Daddy and Mommy arrived at the hospital, registered, and were escorted to the Labor and Delivery ward.  Mommy was hooked up to monitors and asked a series of medical questions.  Dr. Rinkes performed an ultrasound to verify Natalie's position.  Luckily, little lady cooperated and was head down!  Mommy was 3-4 cm dialated but Natalie was still very high.

Previous deliveries had taught us that Mommy has "valve-y veins", causing IV placements to be difficult.  Two nurses attempted to place an IV, but were unsuccessful.  This is not a very pleasant experience.  They explained that Mommy has "deceivingly beautiful" veins -- they appear to be cooperative and then, boom, the IV fails.  They called in the CRNA, who performed his CRNA tricks and was able to insert the IV without difficulty.  Pitocin was started at 8:00am.

9:10am: Dr. Rinkes broke Mommy's water.  No sign of meconium.

11:30am: 4-5 cm, 70%.  Time is passed chatting, watching a television show, and playing card games.  Mommy is offered an epidural several times, but Mommy declines.

12:00pm: Epidural is administered.  Contractions were still tolerable, but enough to cause Mommy to stop briefly stop her card game and grimace.  It was decided to get the medicine before things accelerated.  Mommy was assured by the nurses that she wasn't "cheating" by getting the epidural so early in the game.  It was administered without incident by the same CRNA that worked his IV magic.  It provided relief, but Mommy was still able to feel some contractions.

12:45pm: 5-6cm, 70%.  Mommy was still able to feel the contractions and Dr. Rinkes' check.  The CRNA was called back and administered additional medicine through the epidural line.  The same situation occurred with Abigail's delivery.  Mommy quickly becomes completely numb from the waist down and her legs feel very heavy.

2:00pm: 6cm, 80%.  Mommy is placed on her side, occasionally switching positions with the help of the nurses, with a peanut ball placed between her legs.  She feels better laying on her right side than her left side.  Natalie's heart rate occasionally drops during contractions.

3:00pm: 7cm.  This check took a while -- a check by Dr. Rinkes, a learning check by the nurse new to Labor and Delivery, draining Mommy's bladder, and another learning check.  Mommy began to feel very light headed and nauseated.  She is given oxygen to help with her blood pressure and Natalie's heart rate.  Mommy feels better when she is returned to her side.  Mommy has the "shakes" and wonders if it's almost time for Natalie's arrival.

3:55pm: 10cm!  It's go time!  Mommy is prepped for delivery and needs prompting on when to push as she's unable to feel contractions.  Three pushes during the first contraction.  We converse and laugh while waiting for the next contraction.  "Whoa!  You may laugh her out!", exclaimed Dr. Rinkes.  We continue to laugh and Natalie continues to move.  One more push during the next contraction, Mommy helps to pull Natalie out and she's here!

4:08pm: Happy Birthday, Natalie!!  Welcome to the world!  Natalie is placed on Mommy's chest and has several minutes of skin to skin contact.  Daddy cuts her cord.  It was explained that her cord was loosely wrapped around her neck once, possibly causing her decreased heart rate during contractions.  Natalie is weighed and measured -- 9lb 7oz and 21 inches long!  Everyone is amazed with her size and beauty.  It's love at first sight!

What's in a name?
Natalie: Frequently known to mean "Born on Christmas", but also means "Gift of God".  She certainly is a gift from God and such a blessing!
Elizabeth: Mommy's middle name is Elizabeth.  It's also a name used frequently in our family history.

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