Wednesday, March 30, 2016

21 Months!

Our sweet Abba-giggles is 21 months old!

~Her language explosion continues.  Abigail is using new words, repeating words with improved intelligibility and shows understanding of what we are saying to her.  She occasionally combines words into 2 word phrases.
~We're starting to see glimpses of Toddler Abigail.  She gives a few "looks" and, while it's said in a cute voice, says "no" often.  She's still a go-with-the-flow kind of gal, but will make her opinion known.
~We've started introducing colors.  When it's not labeled for her, she'll typically call objects purple or blue.  Purple seems to be her current favorite.
~She loves to be a helper!  She'll retrieve and deliver objects.  Abigail will also find small pieces of objects on the floor, bring them to us, declare them to be "yucky" and will throw them away in the trashcan.
~Abigail enjoys coloring and playing with stickers....and doing whatever her brothers are doing!
~Abby loves her babies!  She's going to be a great big sister!
~She has quite a sweet tooth.  She loves anything sweet.  When Brennan or Gavin inquire about the possibility of dessert after dinner, she proclaims "Cookies!" almost immediately!
~She is trying to wink, but it is more of an exaggerated I-Dream-of-Genie-style blink.

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