Friday, February 5, 2016

Another Sneak Peek

Mommy had another ultrasound today to check the placenta placement due to it being low at the last ultrasound.  Consequently, we were also able to check on Encore's growth and get a few more pictures!

While it seemed to move even during the 30-40 minute ultrasound, it was determined that the placenta is higher and in a better location.  

Encore is growing quickly!  She went from being in the 66th percentile at the last ultrasound to the 86th percentile and is an estimated 2 lbs 6 oz.  Despite her larger size, I'm measuring on track.  She also has an "impressive" amount of hair for 26 weeks!  She was laying sideways and seemed to be shy, but the ultrasonographer was able to get a few good shots of her beautiful face!  Encore was active for part of the ultrasound, but then appeared to fall asleep.  She even gave us a bit of a smile!

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