Tuesday, January 5, 2016

It's a GIRL!

We had Encore's big ultrasound today and learned that Encore is a GIRL! We're very excited!  Since we're "old pros", the technician assisted us in discovering the gender by pointing out the correct area on the ultrasound screen and letting us determine if it was a boy or a girl! 

Encore looks perfect and healthy.  She's quite the contortionist/acrobat, including having one leg curled while another leg was by her head, and flexing her arm above her head.  We were able to watch her yawn and almost suck her thumb.  While the OB listened to her heartbeat following the ultrasound, she commented that she's very active.  I'm feeling some movement, but not everything.

It was discovered during the ultrasound that my placenta is low, so we'll have another ultrasound in 4 weeks to make sure it's resolving itself.

Here's our beautiful little lady!

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