Little Miss Abigail is 19 months old!
~She's quickly transforming into a "toddler" and desperately wants to do what her brothers are doing.
eliminating her morning nap and now take one longer nap in the
afternoon. We decided to make the change after it took her quite some
time to fall asleep in the morning, leading to a late wake up. Shortly
after, it was time for her afternoon nap and she would, again, take a
while to fall asleep. She would stay content in her bed, but we felt
she was missing too much play and interactive time while playing alone
in her bed. She's transitioned well with a few tired evenings.
vocabulary is blossoming! She's imitating many words and saying new
words nearly every day. Abigail is also starting to put words together
into 2 word phrases, such as "Daddy bye bye" and "Uh oh _____" after an
object falls. She omits some beginning sounds, but they will come with
time ("ink" for drink, "ack" for snack, "all -on" for all gone). Her
receptive language is also growing!
~In addition to her love of babies and dogs, she's quite fond of Minnie Mouse ("Mimi")
~She can identify several body parts, including her nose, mouth, eyes, hair, belly and feet.
asked about something she wants or is excited about, she responds
with an enthusiastic "Yeah!" and a head/upper body nod
likes to turn objects into purses by putting them onto her arm or
shoulder. She recently did this with one of her brother's lunch bags
and a newspaper bag.
loves to help! She likes to throw things away, will put her brother's
clothes into their laundry basket, bring us items she finds and help to
pick up toys
~She's great
at predicting routines! For example, when asked if she wants to get
dressed or change her diaper, she immediately goes to her room and she
calls out the names of one of the friends at the babysitter's house as
soon as she hears the bus stopping.
is such a lover! She enjoys sitting on our laps and snuggling before
bedtime. She recently started initiating giving her brothers a kiss
before going to bed.