~Abigail's expressive language continues to blossom! She is saying new words often and her pronunciation is improving. Everything sweet is called a "cookie". She loves "bubbles". Any bread, especially if you are putting it in the toaster is a "waf-fle". She says "bee-boo" for Peek-A-Boo. She'll extend her arms and state "a-du" (All done) when finished with a meal. Abigail will state "Hot!" when we're cooking at the stove and enjoys wearing her "hat". She's standing up for herself and will state "Mine!" when her brother attempt to take a toy from her. She's making more animals noses, including "hop hop" for rabbits and "woof woof" for dogs.
~She continues to improve her interest in books. She will often bring us a book to read. Current favorites include books with "babies", dogs and Bubble Guppies (Guppa guppa).
~She's doing a great job of feeding herself with utensils, including spearing bites with a fork and scooping with a spoon. She enjoys wiping her face and high chair tray with a paper towel. She's a fairly good eater and is becoming more tolerant of different fruits and veggies. Abby prefers to eat her food just like her brothers, rather than cut into bites. She definitely has a sweet tooth.
~Abigail is entering a Mommy-itis stage. She prefers to be held and put to bed by Mommy.
~She is quite the climber! She enjoys crawling onto objects, including toy bins, recliners and dining room table chairs.
~Abigail is in the beginning stages of pretend play. She likes to get and serve us beverages from the play kitchen or play food sets, give us bites of food while stating "yum-yum" or "yummy", brush our hair and walk around with her purse on her shoulder and a phone by her ear!
~Just like Brennan and Gavin, she's going to be a great big sibling! She loves to point out "babies" and is very affectionate to her baby dolls.
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