Thursday, August 20, 2015

Happy 3rd Birthday, Gavin!

Happy Birthday, Gavin!!

Happy 3rd Birthday to our sweet, smart and silly Gavin!  He brings us so much joy and we're so proud of him!

A few highlights:
~Gavin has made tremendous progress with his expressive language skills!  He speaks in full sentences and is consistently intelligible.  
~Gavin adores his siblings.  He is Brennan's shadow and enjoys playing with him.  He loves to help Abigail and will stop what he's doing to give her hugs and kisses throughout his day.
~He identifies all letters and numbers 1-10.  He can count to 19 and backwards from 10.
~Gavin enjoys books, especially silly books or look and find books.  He also enjoys describing what is happening in the pictures.

We celebrated his birthday with a basketball themed party at a local park with some family and friends.  The kids had fun playing on the playground and throwing water balloons.

Current Stats:
Height: 37" (38th percentile)
Weight: 28 lb 8oz (17th percentile)

While he's our little guy, the doctor explained that his growth is on track.  The doctor also wondered if he would be a "late bloomer" and hit his growth spurt later.

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