Miss Abigail is 10 months old!
~Abigail has a list of adorable "tricks"! She raises her hands in the air in response to "How big is Abigail?" ("So big!"). She claps, typically just moving only her right hand. She'll also clap when asked to say "more" (adaptation of the sign for "more"). Abby also claps when you sing "Patty Cake" to her. She loves to dance and will move her upper body up and down and/or back and forth when she hears music.
~She loves to eat! She gets excited when she sees baby food containers or table food that she likes to eat. She's doing a great job eating puffs, Cheerios and crackers. Abigail does a great job feeding herself, including picking up small pieces and taking bites from her crackers. She's also enjoyed a few tator tots. She's doing well with a sippy cup, but frequently lets the water cascade out of her mouth.
~Abby is a great sleeper! She takes 2 good naps a day and sleeps through the night. At home, she nurses before sleeping and typically falls asleep while eating. She's woken a few times when I lay her down, but will easily put herself back to sleep. She is put down awake at the babysitter's and heads to dreamland on her own. She seems to prefer sleeping on her side. She quietly plays in her bed for a while after waking up.
~Belly laughs still give her the hiccups!
~She likes to play Peek A Boo, including attempting to cover and uncover herself.
~Abigail has such a wonderful personality! She's such a happy girl. We frequently get comments from others and the babysitter about her constant happiness!
~She is on the move! She's a quick crawler and enjoys pulling herself up on everything she can.
~We've had an explosion of teeth! She now has 8 teeth, 4 on the top and 4 on the bottom. She cut all 4 top teeth in a matter of about 3 days. She's a champion teether...only a little bit of extra drool and mouthing of objects.
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