Monday, March 2, 2015

8 Months!

 Our sweet Abigail is 8 months old!

~Abby has mastered the art of rolling!  She rolls in one fluid motion and with ease.  She also pushes herself up onto her knees or toes, causing her to scoot backwards.  Gone are the days of staying put in one spot!  We suspect that crawling isn't too far away!
~While she's made great improvements in napping in her bed, we had some regression in overnight sleeping.  More often than not, she woke up overnight or early in the morning this month.  It may have been a combination of her first cold which made her congested, or another tooth,  or traveling, or reaching new milestones, or a combination of several variables. 
~Abigail cut her third tooth!  Her beautiful smile proudly shows off her three bottom teeth!
~Overall, Abby has been a bit indifferent about baby food.  She gets a lunch and dinner and doesn't consume much. Instead, she likes to gently spit it back of of her mouth repeatedly.  After successfully eating a rice rusk, including biting off and "chewing" pieces, we decided to introduce small amounts of finger food to see if she was more successful in eating it.  She's had small bits of toast, green beans, and bananas.  She seemed to do well!  Towards the end of the month, she started eating pureed food more successfully, so we'll continue a combination of finger food and pureed food for now.
~In addition to her rolling, Abigail is starting to attempt to pull herself up on things.  For example, when put in Gavin's bed, she attempts to pull herself up to the top of his bed rail to mouth it.  Consequently, her crib mattress has been lowered a notch!
~She's adding new sounds to her gabbing, including "ma-ma", which is Mommy's current favorite.
~Abigail shakes her head back and forth.  While very likely not in response to a question, it's fun to incorporate it into our conversations!  "Are you ready to _____?" ::Abby shakes her head::
~We love her giggles!  She has quite the infectious belly laugh!

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