Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday, Gavin!

Our sweet Gavin is two!  He is such a joy and we love him to pieces!

We celebrated his birthday at a local park.  Gavin loves to play outside and we thought it would be a perfect place to celebrate his special day!  Due to still being on part-time maternity leave, Mommy was able to stay home with the birthday boy on his actual birthday

~Gavin is starting to show his independent side.  He likes to do many things on his own, including putting on his sandals, zip his pajamas and put on his pants.  He also attempts to put on a diaper.
~He continues to enjoy going to the potty.  When asked if he wants to sit on the potty, he'll drop what he's doing and run to the bathroom.  He still follows his routine, although he will sometimes flush before he gets on.  We're not consistent about taking him, but want to do better so we don't miss a great window of opportunity!
~After a few sad mornings when dropped at the babysitter's house, Gavin is doing much better!  His tears were short lived on his sad days, but it's much easier to leave when he isn't upset!
~Gavin is our little informer.  He lets us know when Abigail is upset, when a buzzer goes off in the kitchen, when a toy makes a noise after the boys are done playing with it, and when a train/loud car/airplane are  within hearing distance.
~He loves his baby sister!  He frequently gives her kisses and hugs.  He'll bring her pacifiers, burp clothes and blankets and likes to help pat her back.  He also likes to attempt to pick her up and lay on her when snuggling.  It's also wonderful to see his relationship with Brennan continue to develop.  The boys frequently share giggles and play together.  However, Gavin occasionally gets a bit defensive (i.e., squealing) when Brennan comes near his toys, presumably fearing that he will take them!
~Gavin loves to play with sports balls!  He has quite the arm and can throw very well!  He also loves to throw the balls into the basketball hoop!

Current stats:
24 lbs, 4oz
25th percentile for height and weight.  He's our peanut!

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