Thursday, March 20, 2014

19 Months!

Our little snuggle bug is 19 months old!

~Gavin continues to be quite the lover.  He loves to give kisses, hugs and snuggles...and we love receiving them!  He'll give us snuggles every morning and throughout the day.  He'll also give random kisses, prompted or unprompted, throughout the day.  He's also known to run to Mommy and Daddy to give us a snuggle after we've left the room for a few minutes.
~Gavin has some pretty consistent, and some comical, eating habits.  He always wants a spoon and/or fork when he's eating.  It's common to hear a "hmmmm" after bites of food.  He also frequently accompanies bites with an "Ahhhh", quickly popping the bite into his mouth, followed by an "hmmmm."  He's also starting to mix some of his food--such as plopping spoonfuls of applesauce on top of his main dish.  Don't, however, allow regular condiments, such as ketchup, touch his food.  It's guaranteed that he won't eat it.
~Gavin loves bathtime!  He can't get into the tub soon enough and does not want to get out!
~He also loves playing outside!  At the mere mention of "outside", he'll point to the window or go to the garage door.  It takes much convincing to get him back inside.
~He's becoming a big fan of puzzles.  He enjoys putting them together, including turning the pieces to fit in the appropriate spots.  He also enjoys playing with his shape sorter toy.
~His receptive language skills continue to flourish and we're starting to hear more word approximations!
~Gavin has discovered the joy of climbing onto furniture.  Due to our couch and recliners being over-sized, he uses toys or a stool to climb.  He's quite proud of himself!  He's also discovered he can climb onto the recliner in his room and the kitchen table chairs.
~Gavin has a definite right hand preference.
~He's a great sleeper!  He very rarely makes a peep after we put him to bed and he sleeps over night.  Naps are typically 2-2.5 hours.
~Gavin enjoys mimicking his big brother!  Our most recent favorite is Gavin playing Duck-Duck-Goose.  He'll travel between the game players, exclaiming "Dut!" (and sometimes "Goo!") while tapping their legs.  Then, he'll start running around the house, giggling and squealing the entire way!

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