Friday, February 28, 2014

It's a Girl!

Buckeye is a GIRL!

We had our long-awaited ultrasound appointment this morning!  Buckeye looks perfect and is measuring right on target.  It was a relief to hear the ultrasound technician repeatedly make comments such as, "Looks perfect" and "That looks just as it should."  We also learned that Buckeye is a girl! 

Buckeye was quite calm during the ultrasound.  She cooperated and gave the technician opportunities to get great views of her important organs, etc.  She was a bit camera shy, though, when the technician was trying to get a good picture of her face and kept her face hidden.  We were able to get some good views, though!

We told Brennan and Gavin about their little sitter tonight at dinner.  Initially, Brennan replied that he wanted another brother, but he quickly warmed up to the idea of having a little sister.  He asked to give her a kiss during our nightly "family hug" and sang her a song before going to bed.

Introducing, our little lady!




"If that's not a girl, I'll pay her college tuition" -Ultrasound technician
Legs on bottom and top, pointing to the left

Trying to hide!  Face, hands on her head

Our lovely lady's beautiful face!

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