Friday, February 28, 2014

It's a Girl!

Buckeye is a GIRL!

We had our long-awaited ultrasound appointment this morning!  Buckeye looks perfect and is measuring right on target.  It was a relief to hear the ultrasound technician repeatedly make comments such as, "Looks perfect" and "That looks just as it should."  We also learned that Buckeye is a girl! 

Buckeye was quite calm during the ultrasound.  She cooperated and gave the technician opportunities to get great views of her important organs, etc.  She was a bit camera shy, though, when the technician was trying to get a good picture of her face and kept her face hidden.  We were able to get some good views, though!

We told Brennan and Gavin about their little sitter tonight at dinner.  Initially, Brennan replied that he wanted another brother, but he quickly warmed up to the idea of having a little sister.  He asked to give her a kiss during our nightly "family hug" and sang her a song before going to bed.

Introducing, our little lady!




"If that's not a girl, I'll pay her college tuition" -Ultrasound technician
Legs on bottom and top, pointing to the left

Trying to hide!  Face, hands on her head

Our lovely lady's beautiful face!

18 Months!

Our little man is 18 months old!

~Gavin enjoys making animal noises.  Noises include lion ("Arrr!"), bear ("Arrr" or "Grr", which sounds more like he has a hairball in his throat), kangaroo ("Ai-ya!"), and elephant.
~He likes to identify body parts, including his own, on Mommy/Daddy's face, and on some of his stuffed animals.  He can identify nose, eyes, mouth, ears and belly button.
~Gavin is a great eater!  He eats quite a bit and enjoys feeding himself.
~He shakes his head for "no"
~He continues to be our little "lover."  He loves to snuggle, hug, and blow/give kisses.  At times, he's tried to use his charm to his advantage.  At home, he started whining because he couldn't reach an object on the couch.  Mommy, who was sitting next to the couch told him "That's not the way to get what you want!"  He immediately came to Mommy and gave her kisses.  Also, he sitter told a story about when the kids were putting away toys, but Gavin was trying to get them out again.  When she reminded him that they were putting the toys away, he went in for a few kisses!
~Gavin has also been known to give himself kisses in the mirror.  He consistently kisses a mirror on the page of one of his books.  He also recently gave a kiss to pictures of animals in another book.
~He has a new, extra cute smile which involves scrunching his nose while flashing a huge grin.
~Gavin's receptive language continues to flourish.  He understands many things that we say or ask him to do.  He says a few words consistently, including Mama, Dada, thank you ("take-um"), you're welcome ("el-come"), this and that.  He babbles quite a bit.  When asking for items, he'll get our attention and point to the item.  When we label the item he wants, he'll sign "please" and say "ahhh" with a huge grin.
~Some of his more recent "jobs":
~~~Trying to empty the dishwasher by removing dishes and handing them to Mommy/Daddy (This "job" is much more desired when the dishes are actually clean)
~~~Removing his shirt after we take his arms out of his sleeves
~~~Wiping his nose with a tissue
~~~~Picking up toys--including removing them from incorrect bins and taking them to the correct toy bin.
~~~Buckling himself into his highchair
~~~Acting as our delivery man.  He'll take things to people when we ask, or will take them without prompting such as bringing Brennan his drink cup.
~Gavin had his 18 month appointment and is happy and healthy!  The doctor was impressed with his temperament and happy demeanor.  We discussed Gavin's expressive language.  Based on our description of his language skills and the doctor's observations of Gavin's wide range of babbling and desire for objects to be labeled, he's not concerned and said that his language skills are typical of 18 month olds.  He explained that most children hit their "language explosion" between 18-30 months, so we're just entering this range.  We confessed that we were comparing Gavin's language to Brennan's at this age--an unfair comparison since Brennan was extremely verbal.  We'll continue to carry on as usual--reading, playing, labeling, talking, etc.--and we'll discuss his expressive language skills again at his 2 year appointment.  Gavin received 4 vaccines at his appointment--ouch!  He settled down quickly with some snuggles and even blew several kisses to the nurse before she left the exam room.

Current Stats:
Length: 32" (~27th percentile)
Weight: 22lbs (~25th percentile)
Head circumference: 50th percentile

He's our little peanut!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

18 Week Check Up

Mommy had her 18 week OB check up.  Buckeye and Mommy are doing well.  Buckeye's heartbeat was strong (I didn't get the exact beats per minute).  S/he was very active!  The doctor would find the heartbeat, then we could hear him/her move on the doppler and she would have to search for the heartbeat again!  Mommy has been able to feel more movements.  What an amazing feeling!

We go back on February 28 for the next checkup and the big ultrasound! 

Gavin's Allergy Update

Daddy took Gavin to his follow up allergist appointment.  We were keeping a "diet diary" but stopped after his face starting looking great consistently.

They did a prick test to test his reaction to peanuts and eggs.  Because he was tolerating small amounts of garlic in food (tacos, spaghetti sauce, etc), they didn't test it.  He didn't react at all to eggs and had a small reaction to peanuts!  We'll continue to avoid peanuts and were given the green light to introduce eggs.  The doctor explained that we could slowly introduce them and if he didn't react we could go "hog wild" with eggs!  We haven't given him eggs by themselves, but he's had food with eggs without any problems!

They also gave him his follow-up flu shot at his appointment.  Because of the results of the prick test, they gave him the regular vaccine, rather than the egg-free.  The nurses were wooed by Gavin and commented on how well he did at the appointment, especially during the prick test and vaccine.  No tears at all!

17 Months!

Our sweet snuggle-bug is 17 months old!  He is such a blessing and is growing up so fast!

~Gavin has cut his top two canine teeth!
~He is on the move!  He can walk, nearly a run, very fast!
~Speaking of on the move, he loves to play chase!  He thinks it is hysterical when someone chases him.
~As of his 17 month "birthday", Gavin is officially weaned.  He was only nursing for a few minutes before bedtime and Mommy suspected he wasn't getting much.  We altered our bedtime routine a bit to have less transitions in and out of his room and with and without Mommy--making the routine more similar to his nap time routine.  We also started giving him a sippy cup with a small amount of water in bed.  He's done great!  We read a book or two, sing a few songs with the lights out, he gives  Mommy a kiss (or two!) and hug, and into bed he goes!
~Gavin likes to dance!  His dance moves include bobbing his head and squatting.
~Gavin loves "helping!"  His self-appointed jobs:
~~~Closing doors, drawers and cabinets doors
~~~Bringing Mommy her chapstick from her nightstand.  No one else can take it, it has to be Mommy.
~~~Putting his shoes away at the babysitter's house
~~~Assuring that Mommy always has her slippers.  This includes helping her put them on...sometimes taking them off to put them back on.  He also brings them to her after she already has shoes on to leave the house.  Sometimes he'll try to put them on his own feet.
~~~Pushing the garage door button
~~~Turning on the CD player in his bedroom
 ~~~Putting clothes in the dryer
~~~Letting Mommy and Daddy know when the microwave/oven buzzers go off or our phones ring.  He'll drop what he's doing to approach and point to the noise maker.
~~~Supervising vacuuming, including the floor vacuum and the dust buster
~~~Informing Mommy and Daddy where to return objects.  For example, he'll go to the coat closet when we're finished with the vacuum, point to the appropriate cabinet when we're done with the dust buster, and go to the food cabinet when we're done with a box of food, etc. that we store in the cabinet.
~~~Throw away trash.  He's getting better about not throwing away objects that aren't trash!
~~~Picking up toys.
~We've recently introduced utensils at mealtimes and Gavin loves it! He's quite proficient! He attempts to eat just about anything with his spoon and fork.  He also wants his plate on his tray--no more getting a few bites of food on his tray at a time!  If he's not able to get his food fast enough, he'll sign for "more" and will accept help.  A not-so-desirable eating habit: He'll sometimes tongue food out his mouth after putting too much in his mouth or seeing something else he would rather eat.  Overall, he's a good eater!  Despite his small size, he eats a lot!
~When he's frustrated or not getting his way, sometimes Gavin will repeatedly stomp his feet and fuss for a few seconds. This is cute--for now. We're very cautious to not give in when he does this!
~Gavin's receptive language continues to flourish and we're (im)patiently waiting for his expressive language to take off.  He'll sometimes repeat things we say, but sometimes is a stinker and doesn't.  While we're well aware we shouldn't compare kids--Brennan was much more talkative at this age!  We're planning to talk to his pediatrician at his 18 month well check about his expressive language.  He "baby talks" a lot and has many sounds.  He also frequently says "dis" and "dat" when pointing to things.  Demonstrating his manners, he says "welcome" ("el-come") after we thank him for bringing us things.
~He continues to use his sign language frequently.  When he really wants something, he might sign "please" with both hands simultaneously!
~Gavin loves to copy his big brother!  One of our favorites is when Brennan runs around the family room saying "ahhh!", followed by a jump and a fall to the ground.  Gavin then runs while saying "ahhh!" and intentionally falls to the ground. 
~He loves giving his stuffed animals hugs! He's such a lover!