We're having another baby!
We're thrilled to share the news that we're having another baby! Baby Swartz #3, nicknamed "Buckeye," is due to arrive on July 2. We're currently at approximately 15.5 weeks, and are relieved to be in the second trimester. We were a bit surprised to learn about Buckeye, but are thrilled to be adding to our family!
Since discovering that we were pregnant, we've had several doctor's appointments. My first appointment was the standard 8 week appointment with the OB nurse. Due to our previous miscarriages, they also did an ultrasound. What a relief to see a healthy baby with a strong heartbeat! Headcount: 1. Prior to this appointment, I began taking my cocktail of medications, including a prenatal vitamin, baby aspirin, Folgard, and Progesterone (during the first trimester only). Overall, I was feeling well. Fatigue and occasionally feeling "blah" were my main complaints.
I had another appointment with the OB at 10 weeks. At this appointment, they took some cultures and listened for a heartbeat with the doppler. It took the doctor several minutes to find the heartbeat, making Mommy very nervous. The doctor explained that I was measuring on target and that heartbeats can be difficult to find at this appointment. After some manipulation due to a "tilted uterus" and more searching, the doctor asked the nurse to check the ultrasound schedule. While the nurse was out of the room, the doctor found Buckeye's sweet heartbeat. Nice and strong and in the 160s/170s. Phew!
My next appointment was at 14 weeks. The doctor found Buckeye's heartbeat quickly and noted that s/he was moving a lot. Heart rate was in the 150s. "Blah" feelings have subsided and I have more energy than earlier. It's not uncommon for Mommy to pop a few Tums after dinner due to heartburn.
We told the boys about their future sibling around 12 weeks. Brennan giggled and had a huge smile when we told him he is going to be an "extra special big brother." He waivers between predicting if the baby is a boy or girl. He also makes occasional, random comments about the baby. For instance, very shortly after waking up one day he commented, "Next Christmas, there will be another baby here to open presents!"
We've announced our pregnancy to family, friends, and coworkers. It's comical, as most immediately comment that Buckeye will be a girl or that we want a girl. Honestly, we're thrilled to be having another child--son or daughter!
We're so excited about Buckeye's upcoming arrival and having another child join our family!
Upcoming appointments:
Check up: January 31
Check up and BIG ultrasound: February 28
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