Friday, March 15, 2013

6 Month Appointment

Gavin had his 6 month check up today.  We're a bit off of schedule for his check ups due to his 4th month birthday landing around the holidays.

Current statistics:
18 lbs  (less than recent appointments, but he was naked for this weigh-in)
27 3/4 inches
43.75 cm head circumference

The doctor was pleased with everything.  The doctor, nurse, and intern commented multiple times about how happy and compliant he is!  I chuckle every time they look in his ears because they usually say "Wow!" or "They're perfect!"  I hope that continues!

As usual, we discussed his skin.  It's looking great!  We gave him antibiotics for a week, applied his steroid ointment twice a day for nearly two weeks, and have religiously applied Vaseline.  While his skin improved with this regimen, it still wasn't 100%.  We're continuing using a thinner application of steroid ointment, Vaseline, and Eucerin lotion. What has seemed to help the most was eliminating cereal (oatmeal) from his diet.  Within 2-3 days with only fruits and veggies, his face looked wonderful!  We're not sure if it's a coincidence.  We're also not convinced that they are related since its worse on his face and we clean it well after eating.  The doctor suggested reintroducing cereal for a week, eliminating it for another week, giving it to him again for a week, and then eliminating it for yet another week.  He also mentioned again that we could see a dermatologist.  We haven't made the appointment yet.

Gavin received four vaccines, one oral and three shots.  Ouch!

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