Saturday, February 2, 2013

3 Year Stats

Brennan had his 3 year check up shortly after his birthday.  The doctor was pleased with his development and growth.  Our next well check up is at 4 years!  Unfortunately, we were back in the office 3 days later due to a high fever....

Weight: 37 lbs (95th percentile)
Height: 39.25 inches (approximately...they had to re-measure him and they didn't write down the second, more accurate measurement.  90-95th percentile)

Some things he can do:
-Talk.  A lot!  He can talk in lengthy, complete sentences with correct pronoun usage and carry on a conversation.
-Count 1-30
-Identify upper and lower case letters
-Identify numbers 0-10
-Use his manners, including please, thank you and you're welcome
-Pee in the potty.  He's doing better about telling us when he has to go, but also does a great job of waiting to go until we take him
-Puzzles.  He loves puzzles!  He has an impressive visual memory and quickly memorizes where pieces go.  Our highest piece puzzle is 30 and he puts it together in a handful of minutes.
-Dress himself
-Sing to himself.  He frequently sings while playing with toys.
-"Read" to himself.  He memorizes his stories and will read to himself.  It's neat to listen to him!
-Orally spell Brennan and Gavin

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