Tuesday, January 8, 2013

4 Month Appointment!

We had Gavin's 4 month appointment today!  Current stats:

16 lbs 15.5oz (90th percentile)
27" (90th percentile)

42 cm head circumference (50th percentile)

The pediatrician prescribed another cream for his eczema and gave us samples of another, nonsteriod, cream.  He suggested that we try the non-steriod cream for a week.  If we don't notice improvements, we can try the new prescription cream.  If his skin still isn't clear, he recommended eliminating dairy from my diet for approximately a week.  He may refer us to a pediatric dermatologist if the eczema persists.  He stressed that it's trial and error to find the correct treatment.  He's not kidding!  Gavin's skin looks good some days, but can return to red and rough patches quickly.

He received three vaccinations, one oral and two injections.  Unfortunately, we had the super slow nurse.  Fortunately, he calmed down quickly with snuggles.  

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