Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Our little Dr. Seuss lover dressed as The Cat in the Hat for Halloween this year!

We went trick or treating with Grandma on Saturday night in a nearby neighborhood. Mommy and Daddy joined in the festivities, dressed as Thing 1 and Thing 2. We had a great time! Brennan enjoyed walking up to houses with his candy bag wide open.

On Halloween night, Daddy stayed at home to pass out candy while Mommy and Brennan went trick or treating in our neighborhood. We had a good time, although Brennan insisted on carrying his loot rather than putting it in his bag. This lead to frustration, which lead to a tired and upset little cat on the walk home! Once home, he enjoyed greeting the kids that came to the door.

Over the weekend, we practiced saying "Trick or treat." At times, Brennan replied "Trick or treat, Honey!" He clammed up during the real deal, but did thank our generous neighbors for the sweet stuff!

Thanks, Grandma Mealy for making my costume!

Friday, October 21, 2011

21 Months!

~Our little man continues to be a big talker. In addition to new words, he is repeating and independently saying many phrases. His pronunciation also continues to improve. Some examples:
~~"How 'bout this one?" or "How 'bout ____?" when asking for books or toys
~~"I made a mess again"
~~"What happened?"
~~"Mommy/Daddy coming" when he wants us to follow him
~~"I coming" when coming to us when called
~~"Where's Mommy/Daddy?"
~~"What's Mommy/Daddy doing?"
~~Some of the preschool-age girls at the babysitter's play house, frequently saying "honey" while playing. Brennan has picked up on the term of endearment and uses it often. "Ok, honey!" "Up, honey!"
~~"Other one?" or "Something else" when asking for something different
~~"I dink (drink) it"
~~"Mommy/Daddy/Brennan do it!"
~~"Right there!" when telling us where he wants something (e.g., ketchup on his plate)
~~"I found it!" or "I found it, _____!"
~~"I want ___, too!" or "Mommy/Daddy have _____, too!" (e.g., "Daddy have chicken, too!")
~~"That one", "This one"
~~"Open the door!"

~His memory is like a steal trap!
~~After a small book was missing for a few days, we asked Brennan if he knew where it was. He immediately went to his room and repeated "Count book!" Sure enough, the book was between his mattress and the crib rails.
~~He has similar themed books, one about shapes and another about colors. It had been several weeks since we read either. After bringing Mommy the shapes book and reading it, he ran to his basket of books saying "Colors!" and dug through his books until he found it.
~~He recognizes coffee/sippy cups that visitors used, even if it had been weeks since he saw them. "Grandpa cup!" "Madison drink!"

~He can consistently identify 2, 5, 8, B, and Q. Earlier this week, he impressed his sitter by picking up a numbered block and correctly identifying an "8."

~He continues to be a fan of music. He enjoys singing songs, listening to music, and being sung to.

~He seems to think that all books are written by Dr. Seuss. After reading the title, he'll state "by Dr Seuss!"

~Mommy and Daddy regularly get a hug, (sloppy!) kiss, and "Wuv you!" when we leave for work and when Brennan goes to bed.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Color My World

Brennan enjoys naming colors in his environment. It's not uncommon for him to name colors of cars as we walk through a parking lot. He also identifies colors of his toys, objects/backgrounds in books, and articles of clothing. Sometimes, he'll name colors on television--the weather map during a rainstorm is very exciting!