Previously, Brennan would use a pacifier to help him to go sleep. He wouldn't keep it in his mouth all night, but liked it to soothe himself. We've been discussing taking it away for a while and decided that Mommy's winter break would be a good time. For several nights, I did not give him his pacifier directly when I put him in his crib, but it was nearby in his crib. He would roll over onto his belly, immediately put it in his mouth, and go to sleep. On Wednesday, the pacifier magically disappeared! During his first nap without it, he talked for a few minutes, fussed (no crying!) for even less, and then went to sleep. He's been doing great ever since! When we decided we would ditch the pacifier over my break from work, I feared that he would be sick/be teething/etc. and would want the comfort of the pacifier. Of course, he came down with a double ear infection and an illness! We suspect that it may have helped, as he wasn't able to suck on the pacifier for long when he was congested. He still has his blanket, which he hasn't paid much attention to, but he's starting to show more interest in it recently.
Brennan has mastered drinking from a straw sippy cup. He would always have a sippy cup at meals, but never consumed a significant amount because he saw it as a toy. During our Christmas visit, we asked his SLP Aunt Adrianna to teach him how to drink from a sippy cup with a straw. He caught on very quickly! Brennan now drinks up to 10oz of water a day. He's also able to bring the cup to his mouth and drink independently!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Double Whammy
Brennan saw the pediatrician today due to our suspicion of an ear infection. Diagnoses: Double ear infection and RSV. He was prescribed an antibiotic a bit stronger than the antibiotic he was given for his previous ear infection. The doctor explained that he is a "victim of circumstance"--he came down with a cold that traveled to his ears and lungs, due to no fault of our own. He is concerned that he had back-to-back ear infections and that it's only the beginning of winter. If he comes down with another cold, we're on watch for the tell-tale signs. His cough should improve by the end of the week. Despite Brennan's ailments, the doctor was impressed with his good mood and how well he has slept overnight. He's also been in good spirits during the day....95% of the time!
Current stats: 24 lbs 9 oz (clothed)
Current stats: 24 lbs 9 oz (clothed)
Sunday, December 26, 2010
First Christmas!
Christmas is always a very special time of year. This year, it was even more special! Brennan had a wonderful first Christmas, surrounded by family. We were luckily to be able to see all of Brennan's grandparents this Christmas. We exchanged gifts and Brennan is now surrounded by exciting "big boy" toys--cars, trucks, sports, and walking toys! With all of the celebrating, Brennan received presents for five consecutive days!
He did fairly well opening presents. He often started to open a present, but became distracted by toys around him and would need help from Mommy or Daddy. After a while, he appeared quite overwhelmed by all of the excitement! After present opening at his Aunt Adrianna and Uncle Will's house and at our house, he went to a quieter area and peacefully looked at books. Shortly after, he returned to investigate his new toys.
We suspect that Brennan has another ear infection. He's battled another cold for several days, including congestion and coughing. Last night, he was running a fever and was tugging/rubbing at his ears. We're hoping to get an antibiotic for him soon. If that's the issue, he's dealing with it quite well. He has his nose suctioned several times a day, is congested, and is running a fever, but is typically in good spirits. He has slept well overnight and took several hour long naps over the past few days.
Other "issues" over the Christmas weekend: Clogged kitchen sink, broken garage door spring, and a flat tire!
It was a wonderful Christmas and we are very blessed! We hope everyone had a memorable Christmas this year!

He did fairly well opening presents. He often started to open a present, but became distracted by toys around him and would need help from Mommy or Daddy. After a while, he appeared quite overwhelmed by all of the excitement! After present opening at his Aunt Adrianna and Uncle Will's house and at our house, he went to a quieter area and peacefully looked at books. Shortly after, he returned to investigate his new toys.
We suspect that Brennan has another ear infection. He's battled another cold for several days, including congestion and coughing. Last night, he was running a fever and was tugging/rubbing at his ears. We're hoping to get an antibiotic for him soon. If that's the issue, he's dealing with it quite well. He has his nose suctioned several times a day, is congested, and is running a fever, but is typically in good spirits. He has slept well overnight and took several hour long naps over the past few days.
Other "issues" over the Christmas weekend: Clogged kitchen sink, broken garage door spring, and a flat tire!
It was a wonderful Christmas and we are very blessed! We hope everyone had a memorable Christmas this year!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
11 Months Old!
Brennan is 11 months old! He's such a joy to be around! His curiosity, happiness, and laughter is amazing. He's quickly transitioning from a baby to a little man!
~Brennan points at just about everything. He frequently says "Dat?" when pointing at objects around him.
~He's transitioned from babbling to baby jargon. He speaks with great intonation, making it sound as though he is making exclamations and asking questions. He's able to make several sounds in one "word", each involving different tongue and/or lip movements. For example, a favorite word sounds remarkably similar to "tickle." He also says "Dada" and "Mama" often.
~His receptive language is also developing. He's able to understand many words, including "no" (although he may not always comply!), "eat", "book", "animal", "moon", and "night night." He appropriately responds to "clap", "splash", "kiss", "more", and "How big is Brennan?" He signs "more" independently when asking for more food.
~He enjoys opening and closing doors. When going through a door, he frequently stops crawling to open it completely before leaving a room. He also likes to open kitchen cabinets.
~Brennan is very proficient in cruising along furniture. Walking independently can't be far away!
~His diet includes more finger food. He enjoys feeding himself and getting drinks from his sippy cup. He also likes to bite food, including taking a bite from slices of fruit. He's able to feed himself with both hands, but is more proficient with his left hand.
~After taking a break, Brennan has started waving again. Although, instead of being prompted verbally and visually, he'll wave goodbye when he sees others put their coats on or when he gets his coat on.
~Brennan's love of books continues. He'll regularly ignore an area full of toys and look at his books. He's able to identify a few objects in the books, especially "moon." He's even been known to flip through pages to find the page with a picture of the moon. He also mimics others reading books, as he talks and points at items on the pages.
~We're noticing the beginning stages of separation anxiety, although it's not consistent.
~Brennan goes to bed around 7:00pm and wakes up around 6:30-7:00am. Most days, he takes an hour long nap at 9:00am and a one to two hour long nap at 1:00pm. He may also take a shorter nap around 4:00pm. He usually takes the longest naps at the babysitter's house...playing with friends must be tiring!
~Current fascinations include lights, electrical cords, doors, drawer handles, and books.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Sharing Smooches
Brennan and Mommy share a few laughs between his night time nursing and going to bed. He frequently likes to initiate a game of Peek-A-Boo with his burp cloth or get tickled. Tonight, he decided to give Mommy kisses, a new found skill, and had a grand time. Here's a recap:
Mommy: "Can you give Mommy kisses?"
Brennan: Give Mommy a wide-open mouth "kiss" on the cheek
Mommy: "Oh! Thank you for the kisses!"
Brennan: Break out into belly laughs
Repeat x30
Mommy: "Can you give Mommy kisses?"
Brennan: Give Mommy a wide-open mouth "kiss" on the cheek
Mommy: "Oh! Thank you for the kisses!"
Brennan: Break out into belly laughs
Repeat x30
Meeting Santa Claus
Saturday, December 4, 2010
He Stands!
Brennan is able to stand unassisted for up to ~15 seconds! He's quite sturdy and stable when standing and is proud of himself! He also continues to pull himself to standing on just about everything!
He Speaks!
Brennan's first word: Dada!
He continues to babble and talk almost non-stop, frequently using /d/, /b/, and /t/. For about the last 2 weeks, "Dada" has been spoken regularly and sounds much different than his usual babbles. He also uses the word appropriately: As Daddy is leaving his bedroom at bedtime, in the morning while pointing at the door as if inquiring where Daddy is, and when looking around a room for Daddy. It's adorable!
He continues to babble and talk almost non-stop, frequently using /d/, /b/, and /t/. For about the last 2 weeks, "Dada" has been spoken regularly and sounds much different than his usual babbles. He also uses the word appropriately: As Daddy is leaving his bedroom at bedtime, in the morning while pointing at the door as if inquiring where Daddy is, and when looking around a room for Daddy. It's adorable!
Brennan enjoys his nightly baths. He likes to splash, play with toys, investigate the knobs and faucet, crawl, pull himself up, and have his teeth brushed. We have a non-slip bath mat, allowing him to move about safely. Of course, he doesn't enjoy baths as much if he's too tired or isn't able to move about. When playing in another room, he'll immediately stop and crawl to the bathroom as soon as he hears the water running. Last night, he tried to crawl in, fully clothed!
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