Our little boy is three months old! He's growing up so fast! His favorite activities are talking, laughing, and smiling. He also enjoys playing on his activity mat, spending time outside, and exploring the world around him. He sleeps through the night and is beginning to take an afternoon nap in addition to his cat naps throughout the day. He's such a happy, wonderful, amazing little man!
We recently took a trip down memory lane...our wonderful friends Sara and Jim welcomed their little boy, Paxton, on April 15. We're so thrilled for them! After visiting the new family, Adam and I recalled our journey thus far with Brennan---late night feedings, tiny snuggles, newborn noises, first smiles...What an incredible journey it has been! And we've only just begun!
Brennan is very popular at the babysitter's house. Miss Tracy explains that the other kids love to play and talk with him and Brennan talks and smiles in return. One little boy expressed that he wants to take Brennan home. Sorry, kid...he's ours!
Can't blame him for trying! I'd take him home too ;o)