Happy 1st Birthday, Natalie!!
Our adorable little Natalie is 1 year old! She's such a sweet girl and is an absolute blessing!
~Natalie is walking! She has taken up to 13 consecutive steps and is getting sturdier every day. She's quite determined...she'll keep trying, even after falling down.
-Natalie is talking! Current words include: Mama, Dada, Bup (Up), Ni-ni (Night Night), Uh oh, Bye bye, and More-more (More, accompanied by the sign for more).
~She is very affectionate. She enjoys giving hugs and LOVES to give kisses. Natalie often smothers us with open mouth kisses, complete with a "Muuuu-waaah!" She wants to give her siblings kisses at bedtime every night. She also often gives her baby dolls hugs, kisses and snuggles.
~Natalie is doing well with eating. Her preferences vary between wanting baby food and wanting table food. Her desire for sweets is constant, though. She is well aware when dessert is available and makes it known that she wants to partake!
~Living in a ranch house, Natalie doesn't have many opportunities to climb chairs. At a recent trip to the library, she tackled 2 stairs in the play area without hesitation. Shortly after, we gave her the opportunity to climb the basement stairs. Natalie climbed them without a second thought!
~Natalie loves her siblings...and they love her! She thinks their silliness is hilarious! Brennan, Gavin and Abigail love to make her laugh and try to teach her new tricks.
~Unlike previous monthly pictures, Natalie's 12 month picture was not taken on the baby chair. Little Miss Wiggly immediately squirmed her way out of the chair each and every time, thinking it was a funny game!
Official 1 year stats:
Height: 31 inches (96th percentile)
Weight: 21 lbs 10 oz (77th percentile)
Head circumference: 18 3/4 inches (99th percentile)