Miss Natalie is 5 months old!
~Natalie is the proud owner of two bottom teeth! They make her smile even cuter!
~Natalie is on the move!
Between rolling and scooting, Natalie is on her way towards
mobility! She will almost immediately
roll to her belly when placed on her back.
Natalie will turn herself in circles while on her belly. She’s also able to move herself around by
getting onto all fours and scooting both legs simultaneously or alternating her legs. She will also lift herself onto all fours, either her forearms or hands, and rock her body
back and forth. She’s quite determined
to get items that are out of reach!
~Natalie is getting very proficient at grabbing for toys
that are within her reach. She gets
excited when we put a toy in front of her. Her face lights up and she starts to
kick her legs!
~With her frequent rolling comes the adorable sleeping
position of having her little bum in the air while lying on her belly. She started with rolling over and lying flat
on her stomach, but has slowly progressed to having her bottom higher and
higher as she tucks her legs underneath her.
~Natalie has woken up once a night consistently throughout
the past month. She usually wakes up
around 3:30am for a diaper change and snack.
~She’s not siting yet, but we admit we don’t practice that
skill much as she tends to spit up whenever she’s in the position for very
long. She does enjoy her exercsaucer and
sitting in a Bumbo seat at the babysitter’s house.
~We sometimes jokingly call her “Nosey Natalie”. She wants to be in the action and observe
what’s going on around her. She enjoys
being in the same room as everyone else.
We recently started having her sit in a highchair at dinner, as she
would want to be on someone’s lap. She’s
happy to sit in the chair with a toy and watch everyone!
~Natalie loves her siblings and they love her right
back! They enjoy making her laugh and
smile and like to give her snuggles and kisses.
~She’s such a delight!
She’s full of smiles and giggles and we’re having so much fun watching
her grow and learn!