Tuesday, August 30, 2016

School Days!

It's time for another fun filled school year!  The boys are very excited about school!

Brennan is in 1st grade at Furry Elementary School!

Gavin is in preschool at Wee Care in Fremont, Ohio!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Happy 4th Birthday, Gavin!

Happy 4th Birthday, Gavin!

Our goofy, loving Gavin is 4 years old!  We celebrated his birthday with a truck themed party at home.  He also had a second birthday party in Cincinnati at a fun park!  He was very excited about turning 4, frequently asking how much longer he had until his birthday. 

He's a fun loving, inquisitive, intelligent and goofy guy!  He has an infectious giggle and smile!  We love his personality and are so proud of him!

Current interests:
~Basketball!  He is a great shot and enjoying making baskets!  He can throw a ball/baseball with great aim and distance.
~Jumping!  He has quite the impressive long jump!
~Cars, trains, buses, and vehicles in general!  He enjoys making them drive around the family room.  He also enjoys roller coasters, turning vehicles and other toys into roller coasters and talking about the rides at Cedar Point.  He enjoys riding the rides at Cedar Point, but isn't a huge fan of walking by the loud roller coasters. 
~His siblings.  He enjoys playing with them and is incredibly sweet with his sisters.  He often gives them hugs and kisses and wants to make sure they are ok.  Gavin and Brennan enjoy playing together, although they have the expected sibling rivalry of who is first, who is faster, etc.

Current Stats:
32 lb 4oz
3' 4"

Saturday, August 13, 2016

She rolls!

Natalie loves to roll!  She has yet to repeat rolling from her belly to her back.  However, she has certainly mastered rolling from her back to her belly!  There are times it is difficult to keep Natalie on her back because she'll immediately roll to her belly each time!  Perhaps she's afraid she'll miss some of her brothers' and sister's actions and enjoys the ability to see what's going on all around her!?

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

3 Months Old!

Our little lady is 3 months old!

~Natalie continues to be a happy, content, easy going gal!  She loves to smile!
~She giggles!  Such a sweet sound!  She's most likely to giggle when you tickle her neck.
~Natalie is a great sleeper!  She takes the best naps in her bouncers or swing.  Her best naps are in the afternoon, usually lasting several hours. She sleeps in her crib at night.  The transition to her crib was very smooth and she was unphased by the change!  She sleeps overnight, usually going to bed around 9:00pm and waking around 6:00/6:30am.  With Mommy's return to work, we often have to wake her in the morning.  We'd like to move her bedtime earlier, but are enjoying the overnight sleep!
~Natalie is enjoying her time at the babysitter's house.  Surprisingly, she fought taking bottles on her first day.  She eventually drank two bottles, but put up a decent fight during the first attempt.  We sent her with different bottles (Playtex - the only brand/style that Gavin would use) on her second day as a back up plan.  She fought the original bottle, but willingly drank out of the Playtex bottle without hesitation.  Success! She enjoys the attention from the other kids and is oogled on frequently.
~She rolled from her belly to her back!  She did it several times one day, but hasn't repeated her skill since.  She loves to play on the floor--rolling back and forth and kicking.  She normally scoots all over her activity mat.
~Natalie has so much to say! She makes a lot of noises and enjoys coo conversations.
~She does a great job at tummy time!  She is able to hold her head high, supporting herself with her arms.