Happy 2nd Birthday, Miss Abigail!
We celebrated Abigail's birthday with a bubble themed party at our house, complete with swimming. gigantic bubble juice and a collection of bubble making toys.
~Abigail continues to be a happy, cheerful young lady! It's rare to see her without a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye.
~Her vocabulary is growing at rapid speeds. She frequently speaks in short phrases, sometimes up to 4-5 words. She also has longer phrases, but she includes some unintelligible words. When asked to repeat herself, she use the same phrases--she has a lot to say!
~Abigail is a great helper! She enjoys helping us, including without being asked. She'll do tasks such as throwing away trash, carrying in groceries, helping with laundry, retrieving items and emptying the dishwasher!
~ She is quiet a girly-girl and enjoys her babies, baby gear, purses and other stereotypical "girl toys". However, she also enjoys playing with trucks, balls and blocks!
~Abby is a great sleeper. She typically sleeps from about 7:30pm-6:30am. She'll also nap for 2-3 hours a day. Abigail goes to sleep easily and enjoys a story and song before bed.
~Abigail is being quiet independent! She likes to do things herself, such as putting on her clothes and shoes. She'll often state, "Abby do it!" or "I got it!". If unsuccessful, she'll politely ask for "Help".
~She likes to count, although she'll state random numbers rather then actually counting
~Abigail has acquired many nicknames. Some common nicknames include Abbas, Abba-giggles, Giggles, Abba-goos, Abba-Dabba, and Abbers
Current Stats:
27 lbs 2 oz (58th Percentile)
34 1/4" (71st Percentile)