Our sweet Abigail is quickly transforming from a baby to a little girl!
~We've hit a language explosion! She's using many two-three word phrases and enjoys repeating words spoken to her. Some commonly heard phrases: "Mommy/Daddy help", "Daddy/Brennan/Gavin night", "More Paw Patrol" (she has toothpaste with Paw Patrol characters on it), "Mommy/Daddy's shirt/shoes/etc.", "Mommy/Daddy book" (asking us to read a book), "Mommy/Daddy/Brennan/Gavin/Grandma/Grandpa go?" (Asking where we are), "Tracy house" and "Love you"
~She's becoming quite the exhibitionist! She frequent takes her clothes off, including her shirt, pants and pajamas, and roams the house in only her diaper. We suspect she likes being able to remove her clothes independently more than being without clothes. She's also becoming a little particular about the clothes she wears, especially her pajamas, so she'll remove the pajamas we put on her and retrieve the desired pair.
~She's going to be an awesome big sister in just a few days! She likes to carry around her babies and has recently wanted to change their diapers/clothes. We may need to keep a close eye on her after Encore is born, however. After bringing out several baby seats, Abigail began to put her babies in the seats. Then, she likes to cover them with a blanket, cover them with books, and then cover them with many toys!
~Abigail has begun to gallop around the house. She really kicks the cuteness up a notch when she gallops around with her ringlets bouncing up and down!
~She enjoys telling her brothers and Daddy goodnight before being put to bed by Mommy. She wants to go into the boys' room, tell them goodnight and give them all a kiss.
~When asked her name, she'll calls herself "Babby"
~She's starting to show some interest in potty training. She has asked to sit on the potty, and does so happily, but has yet to go while sitting. It's a start!
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Friday, April 29, 2016
Sneak Peek Again!
We were able to have one last sneak peek of Encore before she arrives! Due to her larger size and inconsistent position, we were scheduled for another ultrasound at 37 weeks. She continues to measure big (86th percentile, estimated weight 7lb 9oz) and was head down! Hopefully she'll stay that way! We were able to see her hair, although it didn't appear to be extraordinarily long. We were also able to see her adorable rolls forming on her wrists! Encore was extremely camera shy and didn't show us her beautiful face. Instead, she had her head turned inward, covered by her arm. We can't wait to cover that sweet face with kisses!
During the exam with the doctor, it was confirmed that she is still very high and Mommy continues to measure 2cm dialated, which has remained consistent for the past 2 weeks. Should she decide to turn (which she hopefully will NOT!), there is a lot of fluid, which will help if she needs to be repositioned to be head down. Induction date (aka Eviction Date!) was scheduled for May 9th, unless she decides to make her grand debut before then!
During the exam with the doctor, it was confirmed that she is still very high and Mommy continues to measure 2cm dialated, which has remained consistent for the past 2 weeks. Should she decide to turn (which she hopefully will NOT!), there is a lot of fluid, which will help if she needs to be repositioned to be head down. Induction date (aka Eviction Date!) was scheduled for May 9th, unless she decides to make her grand debut before then!
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