~Now that Abby is walking, it seems like she never stops! Her new favorite activity is to walk around the house, usually carrying an object and dropping it when she finds another object to carry around! Most desired object include books, remotes, toy cars, and sippy cups. She is able to move from sitting to standing without difficulty and navigate around obstacles. She's quite sturdy and can walk lengthy distances without toppling over. She is also picking up speed!
~Abigail is officially weaned from day time feedings. She nurses briefly at bedtime, giving a chance for extra snuggles with Mommy! Instead of nursing before naps, we read a story and sing a few songs. She puts herself to sleep easily without a peep!
~Abigail loves drinking from sippy cups! She is also able to drink from straw cups. She gets very excited when she sees one and will gladly take any cups left around the house.
~She is a great eater! She is willing to eat new foods and definitely wants what her brothers have. She is not a huge fan of several fruits.
~Abigail has modified her "more" sign and it is now more similar to the actual sign. She also continues to sign "all done". She has added a modified "please" sign, which is rubbing her hands on her arms, rather than rubbing a palm on her chest.
~She easily climbed the flight of stairs from the basement twice in one day! She hasn't shown much interest in doing it again, although she has climbed the two steps from the garage to the house.
~Mimicking her brothers eating warm food, she frequently blows on a piece of food and/or holds the food out towards us while blowing.
~Abigail loves giving open mouth kisses, giggling after giving her smooch. She also likes to kiss characters in her books.
~She loves to cover her face with her hands and play Peek A Boo!
~Abigail takes two naps a take at approximately 8:30am and 1:00pm. It's difficult to know how long she is sleeping because she'll contently and quietly play in her crib for a while. She stays in her bed for 2-3 hours per nap.
~We suspect that she may be getting her molars soon. Her gums are quite large and she frequently puts objects in her mouth.
~Her happy, giggly personality continues! We love the twinkle in her eyes!