Our little man is 15 months old!
~Gavin loves to walk! He's able to walk very quickly and frequently roams the house.
~Overall, he's a pretty quiet guy. But, when he talks, he seems to have something to say! He's transitioned from babbling to "baby talk", including multiple sounds, pitches, etc. in longer phrases. He says Mama, Dada, Bye-bye, Ni-ni (night night) and tries hard to say "cookie"
~Gavin came down with his first bug this month, including a fever, fatigue, runny nose and cough for a few days. His eyes were also quite puffy and goopy after waking up. We took him to the doctor, who confirmed his cold and said he had a bacterial infection in his eyes. We gave him a few doses of antibiotic eye drops and he returned to his normal self soon! He was a super-snuggler during his sickness.
~His receptive language skills are flourishing! He understands and appropriately responds to many things we say, including going to his highchair when we ask if he wants to eat, going to the basement door when we tell him we are going downstairs, and going to his room, retrieving a book, and taking it to the recliner when we ask if he wants to read a book.
~Gavin has cut two top molars. Two bottom molars aren't far behind.
~In addition to "more" and "all done", he also signs "please" which is adorable. Rather than going across his chest when signing, he rubs his hand on the same side of his signing arm, giving him what we affectionately refer to as his "chicken arm" He also flashes an adorable smile when signing it, making it nearly irresistible!
~He likes identifying other's eyes, nose, and mouth and is pretty accurate!
~He no longer drinks bottles during the day and nurses at bedtime.
~Gavin is transitioning into taking one nap a day. He frequently fought morning naps at the babysitter's house. On weekends, he was more likely to take a morning nap, but then didn't sleep in the afternoon. We recently made the call to only put him down in the afternoon unless he looks tired around the time of his morning nap.
~He seems to be developing a right hand preference. For example, when we recently handed him a crayon, he grabbed it with his left hand but then changed to his right hand before coloring.