Monday, February 21, 2011

13 Months!

Brennan is 13 months old today! Originally, we didn't plan to give monthly posts after 1 year, but there are too many fun updates that we want to share and document!

~He loves to walk and rarely crawls anymore! He's pretty sturdy and can walk from room to room, turn corners, and turn himself around. Sometimes, he'll walk around on his knees.
~Just over the past few days, he's learned to stand up without pulling himself up on something. Instead, he lifts his bottom in the air and pushes himself off the ground with his hands or squats and lifts himself with his legs and hands.
~Brennan loves listening to books! He'll commonly bring us books, stating a phrase very similar to "Read this" and will crawl onto our laps. Occasionally, he'll only make it through about 75% of the book before crawling off to retrieve another. He still likes to turn the pages.
~His language skills continue to amaze us! He's demonstrating understanding of more words, even words that aren't spoken regularly. His expressive vocabulary is also flourishing! Some of his newest words include: Balloon, Oranges, All done, Hot, and Duck.
~Brennan had his first 24-36 hour stomach bug, which he kindly shared with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma Quinn, Grandpa Quinn, and Uncle Matt.
~After a long break from teething, a new tooth (upper left) was spotted yesterday!
~He continues to have a sweet and wonderful personality, but he's starting to be a bit dramatic at times!
~Brennan gives the best hugs and kisses! Sometimes you'll get a hug or snuggle when you ask for a kiss. He still gives open mouth kisses and usually kisses your cheek. Recently, he's started to give mouth to mouth kisses with his hands on your cheeks!
~He likes to try to pull items apart, even if it's one object that doesn't separate. This can lead to funny faces, as he's very determined!
~Brennan's belly laughs are wonderful! He has quite the array of laughs, which crack us up! Luckily, we get to hear them often!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Watch List

We've suspected that Brennan has had an ear infection for a few days. He had a fever a few days ago, occasionally played with his ears, was congested, and was a bit irritable. We debated if he had a virus, was teething, or had an ear infection. After an increase in symptoms this morning, we decided to make an appointment with the pediatrician. Our suspicions were confirmed. Right ear infection and bronchiolitis. We weren't anticipating the bronchiolitis, but he became more congested and "raspy" today, leading to the diagnosis.

He was prescribed an antibiotic for his ear infection. The pediatrician explained that he's on the "watch list" due to the number of infections he's had this winter. He does not think that tubes are necessary at this point. He suggested waiting to see how he does during the rest of winter. If he continues to have ear infections, we may have to discuss tubes in the future. Additionally, since tubes are only effective for 6-12 months, he didn't think the timing would be optimal since we're nearing the end of cold season. The pediatrician was pleased with Brennan's language skills, indicating that he does not have hearing loss due to the infections. He was also pleased with Brennan's tolerance during the examination.

Current stats:
25 lbs 7 oz (clothed)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Brennan enjoyed celebrating his second Valentine's Day with Mommy and Daddy. He helped Daddy pick out a beautiful bouquet of flowers and balloon for Mommy. He enjoyed a special Valentine's Day dinner, including red watermelon, heart shaped toast, and a heart shaped cookie for dessert! Brennan was fascinated with the balloon and had a great time playing with it after dinner!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Walking, Walking!

Brennan is walking more and more! He's starting to walk more than crawl and is able to travel quite a distance before falling! He can change directions, turn himself around, and hold objects while walking. Unfortunately, he's not always aware of his surroundings, and occasionally trips over toys on the floor! We're so proud of him!

(We apologize for the direction of the videos...they show in slow motion if we change it! We'll start taking them differently next time!)


Brennan's love of books continues. He frequently "reads" books to himself, babbling along as he turns the pages. He also brings us books to read to him!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dancing the Day Away

Brennan enjoys dancing! He'll frequently turn on his musical toys and begin to "dance" to the tunes.