Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, friends and family! This is always a very exciting and happy time of year--but even more so this year! We have so much to be thankful for! Thank you all for being such a wonderful part of our lives!

I had another doctor's appointment this afternoon. Adam was able to come along and meet the doctor. Everything continues to look great!

Blood pressure: 120/70
Baby's heartbeat: 148-152
Weight: "Pretty darn awesome"
Measurement: "Right on target"

We decided last weekend that we would get our H1N1 vaccines. Adam was my final persuasion, reminding me that I work in several schools with sick kids and that we want to do everything we can to protect ourselves and our son. Our experience was pretty uneventful. We were at the location (nearby fairgrounds) a little after 7:00am, with vaccines starting at 7:30am, and we were on our way by 7:45am. It took a bit of pleading to convince them to give Adam the vaccine, too. The nurses gave us the shots through the car windows and we were on our way.

Our house is wonderful! We have a few pictures to hang and organization to finish, but we're all moved in!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

31 weeks down, 9 to go!

I had another positive doctor's appointment this afternoon.
Blood pressure: "Nice and low."
Heartbeat: "Good and strong."
Measurement: "Perfect."
Water retention: "None, looking good."

My next appointment is in two weeks. Let's hope the good news keeps coming!

We're loving our new house! We're continuing to work on cleaning and have a few boxes left to unpack. We've also worked on insulating our windows in preparation for the winter. Our large picture bay window is wonderful, but probably not the most efficient in the winter! Most of the work is done on the weekends...I'm typically worn out by the end of a work day and complete a small amount before I'm ready to call it a day.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Home Sweet Home!

We're officially moved into our house! It's been an exhausting process, but we're very excited and thankful!

We received our keys on Sunday afternoon. Throughout the week, we brought over boxes and began cleaning. Adam also worked hard on painting the nursery, which turned out great! Most of the moving and cleaning occurred over the weekend. We're very thankful for everyone that traveled to help us out. The to-do lists continued to grow as the weekend progressed as cleaning projects and simple fix-it jobs became more labor intensive than originally anticipated. We were able to meet many of our new neighbors through treat-or-treating. It was a very exciting and tiring process. Thanks again to all of our helpers! We couldn't have completed the packing, loading, unloading, unpacking, deep cleaning, repair jobs, and organizing without you! A special thanks to my parents, who completed all of the above jobs three days in a row!

It's a great feeling to be in OUR house! Visitors are always welcome!